Pulau Durian, Riau Islands
While on an island homestay in a remote village, our “Bapak” (the father of the house we stayed at ) took us hiking up the mountain behind their village on a “trail”. This “trail” was more an overgrown path that our Bapak used a machete to chop down all the overgrown plants along the way. In about 5 minutes after we began, it started pouring down rain turning the dirt path into a mud path. I also quickly learned that Indonesians don’t like switch backs and prefer the “straight line” method of going straight up a hill.
The hike was memorable. Unknowingly walking a foot from a light green pit viper, to one person almost falling off the cliff, to riding on our butts down a mud covered incline. It was quite the adventure.
And then, there was a splendid view where the following picture was taken.